I Did a Senior Fitness Test

I found this senior fitness test on YouTube.  Senior Fitness Test: How Fit Are You? - YouTube . This is based on the Fullerton Functional Fitness Test.  I thought I’ll just see how far above all the other seniors I was.

Unfortunately, it didn’t go that well.  On most tests, I was *average*.  Sigh. I did better on the Endurance test, but not so good on the flexibility test.

My results:

  • Lower Body Strength: Target Range : 16-18 Me 18
  • Upper Body Strength: Target Range : 15-21 Me 21
  • Aerobic Fitness: Target Range : 86-116 Me 180
  • Lower Flexibility: Target Range : -3 to +3 Me -3
  • Upper Flexibility: Target Range : -7-5 to +1 Me 1.5

Give it try and post your results in the comments.

Where We Are Going From Here…

We will delve more into getting stronger as we go.  I hope you’ll come along.

I Plan to Publish on Fridays…

Coming articles:

  • What is the difference between a carb and a sugar?
  • My Philosophy of Weight Loss
  • Book Review - The Power of Habit
  • Quitting Soda - How I did it

For your convenience, here are the target tables